Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Seminar Topics


Recent advances in wireless sensor networks have resulted in a unique capability to remotely sense the environment. These systems are often deployed in remote or hard-to-reach areas.Hence it is critical that such networks operate unattended for long durations. Therefore extending network lifetime through the efficient use of energy has been a key issue in the development of wireless sensor networks.
In this topic the focus is on event-driven asynchronous sensor networks with low data rates where events occur rarely.This is an important class of sensor networks that has many applications such as environmental monitoring, intrusion detection, etc.In such systems there are four main resources of energy consumption: Energy required keeping the communication radios on; Energy required for the transmission and reception of control packets; energy required to keep sensor on; and Energy required for data transmission and reception.
The fraction of total energy consumption for data transmission and reception is relatively small in these systems because events occur so rarely.The energy required to sense events is usually a constant and cannot be controlled.Hence the energy expended to keep the communication system on is the dominant component of energy consumption which can be controlled to extend the network lifetime.Thus sleep-wake scheduling becomes an effective mechanism to prolong the lifetime of energy-constrained event-driven sensor networks.By putting nodes to sleep when there are no events,the energy consumption of the sensor nodes can be significantly reduced.


    Among the various forms of malware botnets are emerging as the most serious threat against cyber-security as they provide a distributed platform several illegal activities such as launching distributed denial of service attacks against critical targets,malware dissemination,phishing and click fraud.The defining characteristic of botnets is the use of command and control channels through which they can be updated and directed.

   Recently the botnet detection has been interesting topic related to cyber threat and cyber crime prevention.The different botnet detection techniques are classified into four classes: Signature-based,anomaly-based, DNS-based,mining-based. It summarises botnet detection techniques in each class and provides a brief comparsion of botnet detection techniques.Most of the current botnet techniques work on only specific botnet c&c communication protocols and structures.



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